Post-Arrival Services

Pursue your dream to study abroad. Educonnect helps you discover courses that are right for you, connect with course advisors directly, and help you apply for your dream course.

Starting a new life in a foreign country can be daunting, but do not worry - our services do not end upon your arrival. Educonnect will continue to be a part of journey abroad by offering career consultations, sourcing work placements or internships, and providing legal advice.

Career Advice

Educonnect organises regular career information sessions via online webinars or workshops during the year, bringing in industry experts to share insights on careers abroad. Our students can further receive career advice by booking one on one consultations with a career advisor to understand market trends and pathways to their dream career.

Work Placements and Internships

Students may be asked to undertake work placements or internships during their courses. Educonnect can introduce students to such opportunities if need arises, through our collaboration partners or institutions.

Job Opportunities

Our team offers to guide students in exploring job opportunities, by keeping students updated and aware of available vacancies in the market. We can further provide potential employment opportunities for students on the basis of their profile.

Visa and Legal Advice

We believe in providing the right resources to ensure students are up-to-date with their legal rights and obligations. Our partners are ready to help students who are looking to understand their current student visas and post-study visa options. With access to legal advice at hand, Educonnect is committed to begin and maintain your quality of life abroad.

Connect with a Student Counsellor

Get professional counselling and guidance from our expert course advisors.

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