master of public health

Course Code:
Qualification Level:
Bachelor, Master, Undergraduate
Course Area:
Agriculture, Health
Study Mode:
Part Time, Full Time, half time, Semi
chabahil, Nepal
Course Fee:
Send Enquiry
Delivery Mode:
On Campus, Online, Blended, Others, Test, Self-Pace
Domestic, International, Offshore Delivery, Others, US Citizen, Industry Worker

Course Structure

You are required to complete a total of 16 units, consisting of:

11 core units,

two electives (12 credit points) from a range of level 8 units, and

three electives (18 credit points) from a range of level 9 units.

Unit Information

For information on the units, you could study as part of this course, visit the Handbook and select the "Course Structure" tab.

Credit Transfer Information

If you have already completed study relevant to the course you have enrolled in, you may be eligible for credit transfer.

Career Opportunities

The Master of Public Health prepares graduates for work in community-based and community-led health services and organisations including international agencies. You can also work on projects for government and non-government organisations relating to a number of health fields including health promotion and health administration.

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