Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis

Course Code:
Qualification Level:
Diploma Level, Postgraduate, Professional Year Program
Course Area:
Arts, Business Management, Information Technology
Study Mode:
Part Time
Toronto, Alberta, Canada
Course Fee:
Send Enquiry
Delivery Mode:
On Campus

Course Structure

Students must successfully complete a total of 10 units of competency to achieve the AUR40216 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis qualification. This comprises of 1 core unit and 9 elective units. The course units are indicated in the table below.

Code Title Core/Elective

AURTTA021 Diagnose complex system faults Core

AURTTR101 Diagnose complex faults in engine management systems Elective

AURETR137 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle safety systems Elective

AURMTQ101 Analyse and repair faults in performance driveline systems Elective

AURLTD109 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle steering and suspension systems Elective

AURMTF002 Analyse and repair performance fuel injection systems Elective

AURLTX104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle automatic transmission and driveline systems Elective

AURLTE104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle petrol engines Elective

AURLTB104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle braking systems Elective

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