How to be an expert on Juggling Part-Time Jobs and Education as an International Student

Written By Educonnect on April 12, 2024

G'day! Welcome to Australia's amazing world of education, where hitting the books meets grabbing some work experience. As an international student, this double-decker journey isn't just about making money – it's about diving into the Aussie way of life, building confidence, and making mates. In this guide, we'll walk you through the whole work-study balance step by step, with a focus on what you need to know.

Visa Insights: As an international student, your student visa allows you to work part-time during your studies. But remember, your visa has specific conditions that you must follow. During the COVID situation, there were some temporary changes, but things are back to the usual now. You'll have the green light for around 48 hours per fortnight during your study terms to work. This balance allows you to maintain your focus on studies while gaining practical experience. And before you start working, make sure to read all the information regarding your VISA.

Getting Ready to Work: Let's start by preparing for your work adventure in a methodical manner. These are the things you'll need to get started: -

  1. TFN (Tax File Number) – Basically your official work ID for taxation purposes. Don't worry, the process is straightforward; you can apply online HERE and receive it within a few weeks.
  2. Resume – Think of it as your professional profile that showcases your skills and experiences. You can get steps and tips on how to write a dashing resume HERE.
  3. Bank Account – You will also need to set up an Australian bank account to get paid – money in the bank, mate! You can sort this out at a local bank once you arrive or you can also read in detail about how to open one HERE.

Job Opportunities: Uncovering job opportunities is easier than catching waves at Bondi Beach. There's full-time, part-time, and casual roles, each carrying distinct pay rates, work hours, and entitlements. Full-time employees commit an average of 38 hours per week, part-time employees work fewer hours but enjoy comparable entitlements, while casual employees operate on a contract with no firm commitment to ongoing work. There are various job platforms to help you find jobs that cater to your requirements such as: -

  1. Aussie Government Job Search
  2. Adzuna
  3. Seek
  4. Student Job Australia

However, don't overlook the power of word-of-mouth recommendations and your university's career centre – they can be invaluable sources too.

Tailoring Jobs for Students: Let's focus on pinpointing jobs that align well with student life. Sectors like retail, hospitality, farming, services (childcare and cleaning), office roles, and tutoring. These options provide the flexibility which help you manage work alongside your studies. There are also some fantastic volunteering and internship opportunities. Although they are usually not paid, they help you enhance your skills and expand your network. Charities, NGOs, and your university can help connect you with these valuable experiences.

Post Study Opportunities: Your Aussie adventure doesn't need to conclude after graduation. The Post-Study Work stream visa allows you to stay and work for a specific period after completing your studies. And if you're looking to extend your stay or even take steps towards becoming a permanent resident, options like the SkillSelect platform and state or territory nominations can open those doors for you.

Balancing work and study aren't just about meeting financial needs. Along the way, you'll refine your time-management skills, forge lifelong connections, and immerse yourself in Australia's rich culture. Dive into the rhythm of work and study, and let this mix transform you into a confident global player ready to take on the world. So, there you have it, a guide to rock your work-study adventure Down Under.

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